I only had a few hours free today so I walked around my old office area, starting with Union Station, visited by 40 million/year:
Philip Hart Senate Office Building, where I toiled:
A few yards away, the Capitol:
Across the street the Supreme Court:
The Washington Monument, being repaired because of severe damage caused by the 2011 5.8 magnitude earthquake:
There are tulips and azaleas everywhere, including this darkish variety:
Every couple of years I return to this city, and usually have Gloria's triple martini at the Vaduses. Here, Joe, Gloria and the McLains, Cliff and Judy:
We returned to Normandie Farms:
I've been eating too well, so this is all I had:
Escargot and Caesar salad, while the others mostly had prime rib to celebrate Prime Rib Day today. The highlight of the encounter, of course, was the discussion. I was overmatched on gun control, but held my own on biofuels from solid waste. We wondered where were the ocean visionaries today. We could not name one up and coming Spilly or Craven.
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