I arranged for Super Shuttle (they operate out of 35 airports and I've had good service from them at other locations) to pick me up this morning for a total cost after tip of $35. The taxi coming in to town was $75. I'd recommend this shuttle, but arrange for an earlier pick-up because you could well be the first one on the van, and after a search for half a dozen others, you might still be in the District after an hour.
This a pivotal decision day for me. My very first posting occurred on 29April2008. If I continue, I'll be entering my sixth year with Google. Not one person has told me, don't quit, what you do is too important and too interesting. On the contrary, a couple of close friends who actually read my blog indicated that they could understand why I might want to move on to other things.
I did terminate my Huffington Post articles after exactly four years and more than a hundred postings. It was like graduating from college. I felt I contributed doing it, but they don't pay you anything. My sense right now is that I will continue on with SIMPLE SOLUTIONS FOR PLANET EARTH AND HUMANITY until My Ultimate Global Adventure (MUGA) is completed, then I'll decide if I might want to terminate or not. Maybe I'll look upon this effort as finishing up graduate school, as the total time from freshman year to PhD was seven years.
United's Club is a composite of their Red Carpet Club and Continental's President's Club. The huge difference is that beer, wine and many other alcoholic drinks are now free. I tend to tip a buck, as you do when you are on a slot machine in Vegas, but you don't need to do this. Remember how the Lufthansa First Class Lounge in Frankfurt had a dozen or so different kinds of peanuts and snacks? United's has none, zero, at least at 11AM.
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