This is part two of my series on single malt-scotches. Part one from yesterday can be found just after this posting.
After lengthy discussions with my golfing group on what to eat with my Yoichi scotches, I decided to have butta-yaki (a term used the world over for anything fried in butter, but in Hilo as pieces of beef fried in butter). So here was my ultimate rainbow sunset supper, with background music provided by a Bose wireless speaker linked to my iPod on shuttle:
The focus, of course, was the #1 single-malt in the world, Nikka Yoichi 20 year old:
I added a Suntory Hibiki in memory of Lost In Translation. It looks like a lot of alcohol, but those glasses are really skinny. Oh about the rainbow, out of nowhere:
The amazing thing is that the rainbow stayed around for more almost two hours, with no rain actually falling on me.
So I thought, why not, and after supper, pulled out my bottle (from Baccarat) of Louis XIII cognac and a crystal encased, Louis XIII cognac infused Ghurka Churchill in a Baccarat glass:
In particular, note the double rainbow! There is even a story to the glass, for some years ago I bought a pink Baccarat ring for Pearl as a Valentine's gift. The color was close to ruby, which is the birthstone for July. So it wasn't a ruby ring, but she just did not rave of over it. So I took it back to Baccarat and exchanged it for this cognac glass. Can you imagine, then, the cost?
The sunset was pretty average:
But while awaiting a star to appear, there was the almost half moon:
The incredible part about this scene is that the song coming on as I was taking this shot was Honolulu City Lights by the Beamer Brothers. I did finally see Venus for a fitting conclusion to my MURSS:
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