The 2014 (most of her reign will be next year) Miss America is Nina Davuluri, an American whose parents are from Indian. CNN had a racial twist to their reportage. Symptomatic of the Zimmerman trial, one tweet said:
Well they just picked a Muslim for Miss America. That must've made Obama happy.
Nina is not Muslim, nor is the President.
The first to make the final 15 came through the internet. While she is also quite attractive, Theresa Vail made a huge media splash as an Army Sergeant with a prominent tattoo on her right side:
Miss Kansas made the Top Ten, and so did Miss Texas, Ivana Hall, who is Black. There was certainly diversity in the final five:
- Miss California: Crystal Lee is Chinese
- Miss Florida: Myrhhanda Jones looks sort of hapa (half something)
- Miss New York: Nina Davaluri is Brown
- Miss Oklahoma: Kelsey Griswold is White
- Miss Minnesota: Rebecca Yeh is hapa (her father is Chinese)
In Hawaii, this would be a typical racial mix. Interesting that Miss Hawaii is also Crystal Lee:
This group was trimmed to a final three:
Traditionalists would have picked Miss Oklahoma, for she looks like a classical Miss America. However, her singing was average. The final two:
Miss California danced from "Swan Lake":
Miss New York/America's talent was classical Bollywood:
Miss California is certainly intelligent, graduating from Stanford with a BA and MA in four years. Miss New York/America has plans to become a doctor, like her physician father. It's pretty clear why Nina was chosen: she is very beautiful. Here is Miss America 2014 being crowned by Miss American 2013, Mallory Hagan, also from New York:
The audience included a section of former Miss Americas:
It's pretty obvious that even Miss Americas also grow old. Miss America 2014 Nina Davuluri:
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