Today, three items relating to the rest of your life:
1. I repeat again that the flu (that's a flu virus to the right) shot you get in the Fall can also boost your heart health. Fifty-five percent of those who took this vaccination lowered the risk of a cardiac event. Why? There are two theories:
- vulnerable plaque theory--inflammation caused by the flu can release plaque into the bloodstream, causing a cardiac event
- vulnerable patient theory--side effects from coughing, etc., can strain the heart
Where can you get a flu shot? Your personal doctor or drugstore or, perhaps, from this HealthMap Vaccine Finder. Remember, 31 million Americans annually get the flu and 60% of them did not bother with the preventative shot. How much to be treated? Anywhere from zero (depends on health plan) to $20 or more. I noticed in m my mail today that COSTCO says $16. Check around. Go to my 26August2013 posting for additional details.
2. Why do we sleep? According to one study, reported by Dr. Clete Kushida, medical director of the Stanford Sleep Medicine Center, during sleep, our brain clears itself, including ridding itself of waste, the stuff that could cause Alzheimer's. Sleep more to prevent dementia???
And, oh, by the way, following up on my vivid dreams perhaps stimulated by my first day of taking Garcinia Cambogia, nothing happened for the five subsequent nights, until the other night, when, during the final moments of my 8-hour sleep, I awoke remembering a particularly colorful dream. Won't go into details, but this was a fancy lunch with a friend of mine, Tadashi Matsunaga (he is president of the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology), and his staff, at a restaurant in Honolulu that featured about five times more than you see to the left. Every course was like a kaleidoscopic treat. I would think that this dream had something to do with a lunch I had with Tadashi and his wife during my ultimate global journey earlier this year.
3. Okay, this might explain, in addition to old age, why my memory is going. The latest research from Germany hints that those with higher glucose levels in your blood have greater memory problems. For anyone new to this blog site, I'm taking Garcinia Cambogia not only to lose some weight, but, more so, to lower my blood sugar level. There is a caution, though, for those already taking medication for diabetes or to lower blood sugar, don't take this pill. There is an added warning to be aware of that I just learned today, that CG, because of the active ingredient, hydroxycitric acid, could increase the degeneration of skeletal muscles if you're on statins for high blood pressure. Whoops, this I'm doing, so I'd better stop this CG experiment on my body. I just had a blood test this morning, so at least I'll learn if there was any effect on my blood sugar level. Interesting enough, I've definitely lost a few pounds since I began taking CG a little more than a week ago, so something is happening.
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